Blogging for Connection.


    While the adorable Kindergarteners in my class may not yet be able to read this blog, they will still reap the benefits.  As growing individuals, these young students need to be surrounded by as much guidance and support as possible.   Rather than leaving their success to chance or trying to put all of the weight on one person's shoulders, we can come together!  We can work as a team for each student, discovering their skills, admiring their achievements, and encouraging their future growth.

    💗💗This blog is intended to 
connect the important people 
in each student's life.  
We hope that the resources 
and information will be 
useful and inspire 
fun learning 
outside of school.💗💗

    Here in one convenient place, will be updates, ideas, and photos of this amazing journey.  The journey that will set the stage for a life of learning.  The time when academic abilities like reading and writing emerge.  A path where collaboration and friendship become an important part of little lives.  The journey that we invite you to take part in.  By checking in, knowing what the students are learning, and following-up, you help guide the educational journey.

    It is important to note that this blog is public.  Photos and initials of students will be posted throughout the year.  This blog will be shared with other Kindergarten classes within the school.  Any concerns about the information posted on this blog should be immediately reported to the Kindergarten teacher and/or school administration.  You will be able to see your student interacting with other Kindergarteners and school staff.  Most importantly, you will get to see your learner engaged in activities and learning.


  1. Taralah, your blog site is very attractive. I really like the thoughts you shared in our forum about really thinking through privacy issues with picture of young learners. In this day and age you can't be too careful. Your ideas of how to use the blog for the parents' benefit is excellent. One idea to benefit the students might be to publish pictures of their accomplishments. Kids love to see themselves recognized for their great achievements. It might even help them work harder. Who knows?

  2. Thanks Angela,

    I appreciate your feedback & you are right, students will be motivated by seeing and sharing their accomplishments.

  3. Hi Taralah! Your blog is so fun, and definitely inviting! I love how you made this post so practical and really put in the time to show exactly what the use of a blog could look like! I think that there are clear benefits as a way to use this to communicate with parents. It would definitely create a sense of community! It is also great that you are going to be taking some extra precautions to make sure that the blog is safe and your students' privacy is still protected! Thanks for showing a very practical use of a blog!!

    1. Hi Taralah, the above post was written by me. I did not realize that I was signed into a different google account when I replied! Sorry about that!


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