Access to Learning

Access to Learning

While many think of assistive technology as voice boxes for individuals with limited speech, 
or speech to text devices for those who have difficulty typing, 
I believe assistive technology expands to a far greater population of our students.  

What is personalization?  It means that each and every student was tailored to, or considered in the learning design.  Similar to the concept of Universal Design, I believe each and every student deserves the highest quality education their collective environment can offer to them.  This means that specialized tools should be introduced and offered to all.

💗💗  Students have unique needs.  

Students learn in unique ways.  

Each student's needs should be considered 

and each student should be offered 

appropriate tools to help them succeed.💗💗

When a student lags behind, it should not go unnoticed.  Teachers should take the initiative to meet the student where they are at, and offer tools for climbing to success.  In situations involving intervention beyond the teacher, the teacher should partner with professionals, the student's family, and the student to find supports and technological supports that will comfortably allow them to succeed.

The success of each student is a collaborate effort and each student deserves the best tools available.  As technology rapidly shapes our world, so educators should seek the newest and the best tools for their student's success.


  1. Loved your comment that each student should be offered the appropriate tools for success! And each tool may be different for each child because of their unique, God-given abilities. And when the task is too great for just the teacher, I agree with you that collaboration is what is needed. When we work together with others, everyone is successful. Thanks for you insights!

  2. Hello! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on personalized learning! I completely agree with your thoughts! I especially liked your comment about how each student is a unique learner, and therefore learns in an unique way! It is important for us as educators to really learn who are students are, not just as individuals, but also as learners. Each student deserves the opportunity to show success in the way that they can. There are many tools that we as educators have in our toolbox, and it is our job to find the right match! Great job!


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